About The Site

This website is fully devoted to gooba's development journey, projects, and works.

Here, you can find info about me, links to my socials, and more.

A portion of this site also serves as a portfolio.



How do I get onto Federicts?

Seeking sites is something we do from time to time by ourselves. We search sites sorted by newest and last updated, not go through the global updates, and look for any small artist that would like us to help. If you want us to consider including your button, all you have to do is give us a follow~

I followed you, but you haven't added my button yet.

Federicts is run by two siblings that are pretty much busy having fun all day, so... because of that, we're only adding new buttons once a week!

Are there any requirements for getting on Federicts?

Yes, they're very basic requirements that anyone can meet, but since we know you won't take the time to read them, we won't take the time to write them either.

Are there any things which will disqualify you from getting on Federicts?

Yes, but then again... we know you won't read them, so...

What is Purgatory actually for, anyway?


When will I get on the site/how often do you update?

We only update once a week for new buttons, we might have some exceptions with sites that has updated their buttons, but it all depends if we're not having fun on that moment...

Will you add any more Federicts/a Federict for XYZ?

Nope, and actually we're gonna delete all Federicts and just leave only one, why? because it shouldn't be like this! we know that by separating sites into Federicts it would help you find sites with the same interests you have, but you should also try new things... there's a lot to explore out there, and who knows maybe you could find something new that you would like, maybe a new hobby!

Is there a Federicts discord server?

No, at least not officially. We absolutely have the time but not the desire to create a discord account, even less mantain a server. You're free to make and join your own Federicts-focused servers, but we won't advertise them, take part in them or recognize them as an official server, we'll also ban anyone who is in there.








Silicon Valley

Silver Lake



Cakes and Pies

this is just a parody! don't take it seriously! click here to go back to our original site!!